Purchase any Trophies you desire and receive excellent benefits when you place them in your houses! You don’t have to go out and gather unusual resources or level up your Engineering Trade Skill to make them. We’ll take care of all the tedious tasks!
House Trophies are divided into four categories:
Combat Trophies – grant you extra damage when fighting certain opponents;
Gathering Trophies – Increase your luck by collecting Resource Nodes, such as Trees;
Crafting Trophies – increase your Crafting Trade Skills, allowing you to obtain better products with higher GS;
Luck Trophies – Increase your chances of getting better things from chests and loot drops.
If you have three large houses, you can use 15 Trophies at the same time. It’s worth noting that you can’t use the same trophies again in the same house, so you can only stack three of the same sort.
How our service works:
Boosting Fun is not endorsed or in any way affiliated with Blizzard Entertainment, Bungie or Respawn Entertainment, and does not reflect the views or opinions of the aforementioned entities or anyone officially involved in producing or managing franchises. All trademarks of the aforementioned entities in U.S.A and/or other countries. All submitted art content remains copyright of its original copyright holder. Boosting Fun is not selling ingame items, only offers different services to make players ingame skill better and gifting them ingame items.